Themen in Bearbeitung

Trustworthy storage and management of private contracts: A Case for Distributed Ledger Technologies? Requirements, Use Cases and Potentials.

Art der Arbeit:
Bachelorarbeit Wirtschaftsinformatik
    Thema in Bearbeitung



    In recent years, distributed ledger technologies have gained remarkable attention. Unfortunately, the discussion of the potentials of these technologies often suffers from mystification and/or inappropriate assumptions. This thesis targets a subject that seems to be a convincing case for distributed ledger technologies: those contracts between citizens where an official certification would be out of scope. This is even more the case, as the number of such contracts is likely to increase through growing use of online trading platforms. Based on an elaborate analysis and assessment of distributed ledger technologies, the thesis aims at a comprehensive assessment of their potential to become a common infrastructure for routine contracting between citizens. That includes an outline of the technical infrastructure and corresponding business models as well as the analysis of specific incentives and obstacles for citizens to use respective services.


    Wattenhofer, R. (2017). Distributed ledger technology: The science of the blockchain (Second revised edition). Aalborg: Inverted Forest Publishing.