Sommersemester 22

Integration of Business Information Systems 1 (Tutorial) (IBIS1-PA)
- Lecturer:
- Alexander Bock, M. Sc.
- Pierre Maier, M. Sc.
- Contact:
- Term:
- Summer Semester 2022
- Cycle:
- Sommersemester
- Time:
- Di, 16:00
- Room:
- R09R04H02
- Start:
- 07.04.2022
- Language:
- English
- Moodle:
- Lecture in Moodle
- LSF:
- Lecture in LSF
- Participants:
- Linked Lectures:
The tutorial extends and deepens the foundational concepts and challenges discussed in the lecture by examining, applying, and critically assessing various technologies and standards for integrating business information systems. In the first block, the tutorial starts with a consideration of XML and related technologies (e.g., DTD, XML Schema, Java and XML APIs, XPath, XQuery, XSLT, and XML application standards). This allows for a critical assessment of the integration of business information systems based on document exchange formats. In the second block, the tutorial covers integration through database technologies. This includes a treatment of relational databases, object persistence, and data warehouses. The part on object persistence is concerned with object persistence by means of RDBMS, the use of object-relational persistence frameworks (including JPA and corresponding example frameworks), as well as dedicated object-oriented databases. The part on data warehouses discusses (1) practical motivations, challenges, and procedures of establishing data warehouses, (2) prototypical architectures, components, and processes related to data warehouse systems, (3) data models used in the context of data warehouse systems (in particular, multi-dimensional data models), as well as (4) the practical implementation and assessment of an example data warehouse system. The considered end user components include static reporting, on-line analytical reporting (OLAP), and data mining tools. Finally, in the third block, the tutorial concludes with a discussion of decision support and expert systems (knowledge-based systems) and an application of corresponding example tools.
You can access the Moodle course via the password in the materials section below after login with your ZIM-Account.
Learning Targets:
The students
- understand essential approaches to integrate business information systems and are able to explain the key concepts underlying these approaches
- are able to explain and critically discuss the relevance of integration as well as problems and challenges associated with integration
- are familiar with a differentiated concept of integration, are able to describe the demand for integration of business information systems, and can assess traditional approaches (e.g., CIM systems or ERP systems) with respect to meeting this demand
- are able to classify and assess integration approaches that are based on data exchange formats and have the ability to implement these approaches using corresponding tools and technologies
- know different database technologies, are able to assess these technologies as a means of integration, and have the ability to apply these technologies using selected tools
- understand the structure of data warehouse systems, can describe a method for developing data warehouse systems, and are able to practically apply this method using selected tools
- know different forms of decision supporting information systems including knowledge-based expert systems, and are able to assess both prerequisites for applying these systems and prospective bene-fits of these systems
- Integration through Data Exchange Formats
- Integration through Database Technologies
- Integration through Data Warehouse Technologies
- Decision Support Systems
- Bauer, C.; King, G.; Gregory, G. (2015): Java Persistence with Hibernate. Manning, Greenwich.
- Birbeck, M. (2001): Professional XML. Wrox Press, Birmingham.
- Frank, U. (1988): Expertensysteme. Neue Automatisierungspotentiale im Büro- und Verwaltungsbereich? Gabler, Wiesbaden.
- Frank, U. (2001): Standardisierungsvorhaben zur Unterstützung des elektronischen Handels. WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK 43(3), pp. 283–293.
- Gluchowski, P.; Kurze, C.; Schieder, C. (2009): A Modeling Tool for Multidimensional Data using the ADAPT Notation. In: Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS '09). Big Island, Hawaii.
- Goldfarb, C. F.; Prescod, P. (2002): XML Handbook. 4th ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River.
- Golfarelli, M.; Rizzi, S. (2009): Data Warehouse Design. Modern Principles and Methodologies. McGraw-Hill, New York.
- Inmon, W. H. (2005): Building the Data Warehouse. 4th ed. Wiley, Indianapolis.
- Ireland, C.; Bowers, D.; Newton, M.; Waugh, K. (2009): A Classification of Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch. In: Proceedings of the 2009 First International Conference on Advances in Databases, Knowledge, and Data Applications. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, pp. 36-43.
- Kay, M. (2004): XPath 2.0. Wiley, Indianapolis.
- Lehner, W. (2003): Datenbanktechnologie für Data-Warehouse-Systeme. dpunkt, Heidelberg.
- McLaughin, B. (2001): Java & XML. O’Reilly, Sebastapol.
- Negnevitsky M (2005): Artificial Intelligence. A Guide to Intelligent Systems. 2nd Edition. Pearson, Essex.
- Paterson, J; Edlich, S.; Hörning, H; Hörning, R. (2006): The Definitive Guide to db4o. Apress, Berkeley.
- Van der Vlist, E. (2002): XML Schema. O’Reilly, Sebastapol.
The listed literature references are examples. Further references will be provided during the tutorial.
Constitutive meeting:
The introductory session for all our master courses will take place on 05.04.2022 at 4pm. The first session for IBIS 1 will take place on 06.04.2022, 2pm.
The first tutorial will probably take place in May after the first set of lectures. You will receive further information on this during the semester via Moodle. Until then, there will be a lecture on both weekly sessions (i.e. Wednesday 14:00 and Tuesday 16:00).
This course will be held in English.
This tutorial is part of Integration of Business Information Systems 1 and is linked closely to the respective lecture. Therefore, some tutorials might be interchanged with lecture sessions (you will receive information about this during the semester via Moodle). We strongly advise you to take part in both parts of the module (lecture and tutorial) in the same semester.
There will be one module exam covering both contents from the lecture and tutorial (6 CP).
- The course material is only available to a restricted user group. You are either not logged in or not in the usergroup.