In recent years, what are called middleware systems have gained increasing attention both from academia and from the practice field. Middleware systems are an additional layer above the operating system that allows for a higher level of platform independence and fosters the integration of application systems. Typical instances of middleware systems are web servers, application servers, DBMS, workflow management systems, or component technologies.
In order to support the evaluation of middleware systems, we develop specialized frameworks. We also produce abstractions that allow us to describe elaborate models of corresponding architectures. Such abstractions can be used for the development of systems that make use of middleware technologies, e.g. component-oriented architectures. With the Mobilo project, we have implemented a middleware framework for developing portable workflow management systems in distributed heterogeneous environments.
- Jung, Jürgen; Hoffmann, Jürgen; Herold, Christian: Ein Dienst-Framework für mobile Anwendungen. In: OBJEKTspektrum (2004) No 2 . CitationDetails
- Fraunholz, Bardo; Hoffmann, Jürgen; Jung, Jürgen: Evaluation of Mobile Frameworks - conceptual and technological aspects. In: Remenyi, D.; Berghout, E. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Information Technology Evaluation. Instituto de Empresa, Madrid, Spain 2003 . CitationDetails
- Frank, Ulrich; Jung, Jürgen: Prototypische Vorgehensweise für den Entwurf anwendungsnaher Komponenten. In: Jablonski, Stefan (Ed.): Verteilte Informationssysteme auf der Grundlage von Objekten, Komponenten und Agenten: Proceedings der Verbundtagung VertIS 2001. Universität Bamberg, 2001 , p. 57-74. CitationFull textDetails
- Frank, Ulrich; Jung, Jürgen: Konzeption der Architektur eines Flottenmanagementsystems im Kundendienst. In: Grünert, T.; Sebastian, H. -J (Ed.): Logistik Management - Supply Chain Management und e-Business. Teubner, 2001 , p. 283-292. doi:10.1007/978-3-322-87181-7_23CitationDetails
- Frank, Ulrich: Component Ware: Software-technische Konzepte und Perspektiven für die Gestaltung betrieblicher Informationssysteme. In: Information Management & Consulting Vol 14 (1999) No 2 , p. 11-18. CitationFull textDetails