Negotiation support systems, electronic negotiations

Electronic negotiation systems (e-negotiation systems or ENSs) represent a special class of negotiation support systems (NSSs) built on internet technologies, deployed on the web and capable of supporting, aiding, or replacing one or more negotiators, mediators or facilitators. ENSs are different from traditional NSSs deployed on stand-alone computers, in local- and even in wide-area networks in terms of negotiation support and supported activities. Internet technology fundamentally changes the way a negotiation problem can be represented and a negotiation process can be structured, and allows for many more activities undertaken in negotiations to be supported, including efficient matching of potential negotiators; exchange, comparison and categorization of rich data; and the use of tools for data collection, problem structuring and analysis.

The design and implementation of ENSs demand the specification of a common language as a foundation for interaction and collaboration. The more differentiated the way the language represents the negotiation context, the higher the chances that IT supports the negotiation process effectively. Enterprise models and enterprise ontology are potentially well-suited as common reference systems for electronic negotiations. In this context, we investigate how existing abstractions common in enterprise modelling require adaptation and/or extension to represent electronic negotiations. Our research approach considers the design and implementation of innovative ENSs based on a sound negotiation methodology, as well as the empirical evaluation of prototypical systems under laboratory conditions.

We cooperate with the InterNeg-Group in the design and implementation of the ENS platform Invite (InterNeg virtual integrated transaction environment) and participate in lab and internet experiments.


GDN 2006, Group Decision and Negotiation 2006, 2006-06-25 - 2006-06-28, Karlsruhe, Germany


  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Strecker (Session chair / Presentation)


  • Filzmoser, Michael; Rios, Jesus; Strecker, Stefan; Vetschera, Rudolf: The impact of analytical support and preference determination on consistency in e-negotiations. In: International Journal of Information Technology and Decision- Making Vol 9 (2010) No 5 , p. 673-694. CitationFull textDetails
  • Strecker, Stefan: Information revelation in multiattribute English auctions: A laboratory study. In: Decision Support Systems Vol 49 (2010) No 3 , p. 272-280. CitationFull textDetails
  • Kersten, Gregory; Chen, Eva; Rios, Jesus; Strecker, Stefan: A Study on Preference Impartation and Decision Support in E-negotiation. In: Sprague, R. (Ed.): Proceedings of the 43th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-43, Koloa, Kauai, HI, January 5‐8, 2010. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA 2010 . CitationDetails
  • Kim, Jin-Baek; Kersten, Gregory; Law, Ka Pong; Strecker, Stefan: E-Negotiation System Development: Using Negotiation Protocols to Manage Software Components. In: Group Decision and Negotiation Vol 16 (2007) No 4 , p. 321-334. doi:10.1007/s10726-006-9052-8)CitationFull textDetails
  • Strecker, Stefan; Kersten, Gregory; Kim, Jin-Baek; Law, Ka Pong: Electronic negotiation systems: The Invite prototype. In: Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (Ed.): Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2006. GITO, Berlin 2006 , p. 315-331. CitationFull textDetails
  • Braun, Peter; Brzostowski, Jakub; Kersten, Gregory; Kim, Jin-Baek; Kowalczyk, Ryszard; Strecker, Stefan; Vahidov, Rustam: E-Negotiation Systems and Software Agents: Methods, Models, and Applications. In: Gupta, J.; Forgionne, G.; Mora, M. (Ed.): Intelligent Decision-Making Support Systems: Foundation, Applications, and Challenges. Springer, Heidelberg ea. 2006 . CitationFull textDetails
  • Kim, Jin-Baek; Strecker, Stefan; Kersten, Gregory; Law, Ka Pong: Component-based Software Protocol Approach. Montreal, Canada 2005. CitationFull textDetails
  • Kersten, Gregory; Law, Ka Pong; Strecker, Stefan: A Software Platform for Multiprotocol E-Negotiations. Montreal, Canada 2004. CitationFull textDetails
  • Kersten, Gregory; Strecker, Stefan; Law, Ka Pong: Protocols for Electronic Negotiation Systems: Theoretical Foundations and Design Issues. In: Database; Applications, Expert Systems (Ed.): Electronic Commerce and Web Technologies: Fifth International Conference, EC-Web 2004. Springer, New York et al. 2004 , p. 106-115. CitationFull textDetails
  • Strecker, Stefan; Seifert, Stefan: Electronic sourcing with multi-attribute auctions. In: Ieee (Ed.): Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS-37, Track: Internet and the Digital Economy, Minitrack: Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce. IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamitos, CA 2004 , p. 701-712. CitationDetails
  • Seifert, Stefan; Strecker, Stefan: Mehrattributive Bietverfahren zur elektronischen Beschaffung. Karlsruhe, Germany 2003. CitationDetails
  • Seifert, Stefan; Strecker, Stefan: Over- and underbidding in Vickrey auctions: Do we need a new theory?. Karlsruhe, Germany 2003. CitationDetails
  • Bichler, M.; Kersten, Gregory; Strecker, Stefan: Towards a Structured Design of Electronic Negotiations. In: Group Decision and Negotiation Vol 12 (2003) No 4 , p. 311-335. CitationFull textDetails