Object-oriented systems


The core advantage of object-oriented concepts can be seen in the high level of abstraction they permit during all stages of software development. The proper use of these concepts can substantially contribute to the reuse of software artefacts. In addition to that, it can efficiently promote the integrity of corporate information systems. At the same time, object-oriented approaches help to reduce the renowned frictions between analysis and implementation. However, exploiting the potential of object-oriented software development requires a number of obstacles to be overcome. They include conceptual deficiencies of existing modelling languages, semantic frictions between modelling and implementation level languages ("impedance mismatch"). It also, has to be remembered that software developers sometimes fail to use object-oriented concepts properly. 


Our research is focused on four areas: basic concepts, guidelines for the proper use of object-oriented concepts, integration with other languages for enterprise modelling, evaluation of methods.

While object-oriented concepts are regarded as "natural" by many, they are in some cases very different from the corresponding notions of the natural language. This is evident in, among other things, the case for generalization/specialization or the redefinition of inherited features. At the same time, object-oriented modelling languages include ambiguous concepts that jeopardize the seamless development of code from models. In order to cope with such difficulties, we developed additional language concepts, like 'delegation', which were embedded in an object-oriented modelling language, MEMO-OML. Furthermore, an object calculus to formalize the language core of MEMO-OML was specified within a dissertation. To guide the development of high quality models, we create process models and principles of good design.

Static object models are not sufficient for analyzing and designing corporate information systems. Instead, further languages for (-> enterprise modelling) are required. However, often existing languages for process modelling and those for object-oriented modelling are not integrated. Therefore, we work on interface concepts to integrate, for instance, the UML with our business process modelling language.



Former Senior Academic Staff

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  • Schunselaar, Dennis; Gulden, Jens; Van Der Schuur, Henk; Reijers, Hajo: A Systematic Evaluation of Enterprise Modelling Approaches on Their Applicability to Automatically Generate ERP Software. In: Proceedings of the Conference on Business Informatics (CBI) 2016, IEEE, Paris, (2016). CitationDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich: Ebenen der Abstraktion und ihre Abbildung auf konzeptionelle Modelle - oder: Anmerkungen zur Semantik von Spezialisierungs- und Instanzierungsbeziehungen. In: EMISA Forum, Vol 23 (2003) No 2, p. 14-18. CitationDetails
  • Prasse, Michael: Entwicklung und Formalisierung eines objektorientierten Sprachmodells als Grundlage für MEMO-OML. Koblenz-Landau 2001. CitationDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich; Jung, Jürgen: Prototypische Vorgehensweise für den Entwurf anwendungsnaher Komponenten. In: Jablonski, Stefan (Ed.): Verteilte Informationssysteme auf der Grundlage von Objekten, Komponenten und Agenten: Proceedings der Verbundtagung VertIS 2001. Universität Bamberg, 2001, p. 57-74. Full textCitationDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich: Delegation: An Important Concept for the Appropriate Design of Object Models. In: Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, Vol 13 (2000) No 3, p. 13-18. Full textCitationDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich: Applying the MEMO-OML: Guidelines and Examples. 1999. Full textCitationDetails
  • Prasse, Michael: Evaluation of Object-Oriented Modelling Languages - A Comparison Between OML and UML. In: Schader, Martin; Korthaus, Axel (Hrsg) (Ed.): The Unified Modeling Language. Physica-Verlag HD, Heidelberg 1998, p. 58-75. CitationDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich: Object-Oriented Modelling Languages: State of the Art and Open Research Questions. In: Schader, Martin; Korthaus, Axel (Ed.): The Unified Modeling Language: Technical Aspects and Applications. Physica-Verlag, 1998, p. 14-31. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-48673-9_2Full textCitationDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich: The MEMO Object Modelling Language (MEMO-OML). 1998. Full textCitationDetails
  • Prasse, Michael: Why Church's Thesis still holds - Some Notes on Peter Wegner's Tracts on Interaction and Computability.. 1997. CitationDetails
  • Prasse, Michael: Bemerkungen zu Peter Wegners Ausführungen über Interaktion und Berechenbarkeit. 1997. CitationDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich; Prasse, Michael: Zur Standardisierung objektorientierter Modellierungssprachen: Eine kritische Betrachtung des State of the Art am Beispiel der Unified Modeling Language. In: Rundbrief des GI-Fachausschusses 5.2: 4. Jahrgang, Heft 1. 1997, p. 1-5. Full textCitationDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer objektorientierten Modellierungslehre. In: Tagungsband der STJIA’97. 1997, p. 96-102. doi:10.1007/978-3-322-93104-7_12Full textCitationDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich; Prasse, Michael: Ein Bezugsrahmen zur Beurteilung objektorientierter Modellierungssprachen - veranschaulicht am Beispiel von OML und UML. 1997. Full textCitationDetails