
 Wed, 22. May 2024   Thoene, Reinhard

Talk by Niko Stotz, F1RE, on Domain-Specific Languages

We are pleased to welcome a guest to the chair on 23 May as part of the lecture "Enterprise Modelling II". Niko Stotz from F1RE will talk about his experiences with the design and implementation of domain-specific languages.

Niko Stotz: DSLs - useful or dispensable?
Abstract: We take a look at some large, commercially used DSLs. We then look at the typical areas of application, advantages over generic models and particular strengths of DSLs.

Niko has been working with modelling for about 15 years and has built many tools for it. He is Lead Architect Model Driven Engineering at F1RE in the Netherlands, a young consultancy specialised in DSLs

Place: R09 R04 H02
Time: Do 23.05.2024 14:00 Uhr