
Involved persons:
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank (Project Director)
Dr. Eitel von Maur (Managing Director)
M. Sc. Mario Nolte (former coordinator)
Dr. David Heise (Team Member)
Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. Heiko Kattenstroth (Team Member)
B. Sc. Thomas Johanndeiter (Student Assistant)
Funded by:
Stiftung Mercator
- finished (from 2007-08-01 until 2013-07-30)
The project IS:link is dedicated to forming a network of renowned universities around the world teaching Information Systems. It is devoted to advancing and facilitating student exchange and academic fellowships within the Information Systems field and the German Wirtschaftsinformatik, respectively. IS:link promotes specific forms of exchanges for different target groups:
- Student exchange at Master’s level (recommended duration of stay: 1 to 2 semesters).
- Student exchange at PhD and doctorate level (recommended duration of stay: 2 to 6 months).
- Fellowships for lecturers and researchers.
In order to effectively foster and simplify the different forms of exchange, IS:link offers a set of interrelated standards and instruments:
- The IS:link Curriculum provides a core of reference courses and assignments for IS master and PhD programs. The specific programs of all IS:link members are linked to the reference curriculum, simplifying the process of matching and acknowledging assignments from different universities.
- A well structured application process guides applicants – students and academics – through the different administrative and planning activities, including long-term scheduling, travel arrangements and enrolment.
- IS:link member organisations offer on-site support for domestic and foreign students, including assistance for visa applications, housing and enrolment.