
Recommended Reading

"Reading endangers stupidity" - I like to present this sentence at the end of an introduction to academic work in order to attract students' attention and motivate them to read (specialised) literature. Irrespective of the fact that one may have doubts about the success of such an approach, the sentence is of course an oversimplification. Reading alone does not help you become smarter. Rather, it depends on what you read and how you read. This also includes the ability to quickly judge the quality of a piece of writing. This is the only way to avoid tedious, sometimes agonising reading experiences, which in the worst case can lead to a dislike of literature. How can you acquire this ability? Probably only through reading, attentive reading, comparative reading, critical reading ... The beginning may seem difficult, but the gain you can achieve is all the more valuable: access to a broad spectrum of knowledge, the joy of developing new insights along the way.

Even if a knowledgeable and differentiated approach to specialised literature is particularly important during your studies, it is also advisable to turn to fiction. It not only promises relaxing entertainment, but also serves to broaden horizons and promote sensitivity to language. Here, too, profit and enjoyment depend on the quality of the reading, which is why it is important to develop your own concept of quality.

I very much hope that some of the recommended titles are perceived as stimulating.

Ulrich Frank

Here you find the recommended literature