Summer Semester 22

Enterprise Modelling 2 (Tutorial) (EM2-PA)
- Lecturer:
- Mario Nolte, M. Sc.
- Dr. Monika Kaczmarek-Heß
- Contact:
- Term:
- Summer Semester 2022
- Cycle:
- Sommersemester
- Time:
- Mi, 10:00
- Room:
- R09R04H02
- Start:
- 06.04.2022
- Language:
- English
- Moodle:
- Lecture in Moodle
- LSF:
- Lecture in LSF
- Participants:
- Linked Lectures:
In this advanced course on enterprise modelling, students learn how to deal with modelling challenges in three areas, business process modelling, object-oriented modelling, and meta modelling. As an integral part of the module, Enterprise Modelling II, the course applies the theoretical considerations on enterprise modelling (taught in the corresponding lecture) to hands-on modelling tasks. Students engage in modelling exercises, discuss their proposed solutions with each other and develop the advanced modelling competences essential to Wirtschaftsinformatik graduates. The course is based on class discussions, student presentations, modelling exercises, and literature research work undertaken outside of class. Successful completion of the course will prepare students to design, present, analyze, and evaluate advanced process models, object-oriented models and meta-models as well as partial enterprise models. Knowledge of software development methods from the lecture will be enhanced and their respective strengths and weaknesses through the introduction of application examples identified. As a result, a student should be able to decide whether or not the application of a method is appropriate given the requirements of a specific context.
It is recommended that participants attend the accompanying tutorial (Enterprise Modelling II: Applying Methods and Tools). You can access the Moodle course via the password in the materials section below after login with your ZIM-Account.
Learning Targets:
The students:
- Understand advanced aspects of conceptual modelling and can describe and apply pivotal concepts of conceptual modelling.
- Are able to design elementary domain-specific modelling languages (DSML), to motivate design decisions and to analyze and assess existing DSML.
- Are able to apply selected meta modelling tools in a competent way and are able to utilize acquired competences for new modelling languages and tools as well.
- Understand the structure of a selected method in detail, can describe its embedment in the context of “Method Engineering” and can design and apply domain-specific modelling methods in the context of enterprise modelling.
- Advanced object oriented modeling concepts (esp. OCL)
- Meta Modeling
- Domain Specific Modeling
- Method Engineering
- Multilevel Modeling
- Frank, U.: Ebenen der Abstraktion und ihre Abbildung auf konzeptionelle Modelle. In: EMISA Forum, Band 23, Nr. 2, 2003, S. 14–18
- Frank, U.: The MEMO Meta Modelling Language (MML) and Language Architecture. Revised Version. ICB Research Report, No. 43, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2011
- Kelly, S.; Tolvanen, J.-P.: Domain-Specific Modelling. Wiley, 2008
- Rolland, C.: Method Engineering: Towards Methods as Services. In: Software Process Improvement and Practice, Vol. 14, 2009, pp. 143–164
- Henderson-Sellers, B.; Ralyte, J.: Situational Method Engineering: State-of-the-Art Review. In: Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 16, no. 3, 2010, pp. 424–478
The introductory session for all our master courses will take place on 05.04.2022 at 4pm. The first session will take place on 06.04.2022, 10:00am R09R04H02. As session will be swapped between lecture and tutorial, the first tutorial session will take place in May. The course will be held in English.
This course is part of the module 'Enterprise Modeling II' and closely linked to the course Enterprise Modeling II – Concepts & Theories. Some sessions will be swapped between the courses (follow the moodle course for further information). We recommend participating in both courses.
Additional Material
Additional literature is listed here.
Reading all papers and books is not necessary. Instead we encourage a selective, critical reading.
We provide slides, a discussion forum and additional material such as software in the Moodle Cours
- The course material is only available to a restricted user group. You are either not logged in or not in the usergroup.