Decision Support Systems, Business Intelligence, Management Support Systems

The large amount of data that can be collected today enables valuable conclusions for strategic and operational decisions in an organization. However, due to the amount of data, human processing is often unrealistic. This is where decision support systems come in, which carry out - at least in part - an automated processing of the data in order to support decision-making processes. Possible forms of decision support are tables and diagrams, possibly with concrete recommendations for action. Increasingly, these systems are also enriched with findings from research in the field of artificial intelligence.


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  • Bock, Alexander; Frank, Ulrich; Bergmann, Arne; Strecker, Stefan: Towards Support for Strategic Decision Processes Using Enterprise Models: A Critical Reconstruction of Strategy Analysis Tools. In: Horkoff, Jennifer; Jeusfeld, Manfred A.; Persson, Anne (Ed.): The Practice of Enterprise Modeling. 9th IFIP WG 8.1. Working Conference, PoEM 2016, Skövde, Sweden, November 8-10, 2016, Proceedings. Springer, 2016 , p. 41-56. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-48393-1_4CitationFull textDetails
  • Bock, Alexander: Conceptual Models and Reflective Decision Making: A Conceptual-Constructivist Synthesis, Review, and Modeling Framework. In: Assar, Said; Strecker, Stefan (Ed.): Doctoral Consortium of the 18th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics. 2016 . CitationDetails
  • Bock, Alexander: How Modeling Language Shapes Decisions: Problem-Theoretical Arguments and Illustration of an Example Case. In: Schmidt, Rainer; Guédria, Wided; Bider, Ilia; Guerreiro, Sérgio (Ed.): Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling. 21st International Conference, EMMSAD 2016, Held at CAiSE 2016, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 13-14,2016. Springer, 2016 , p. 383-398. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39429-9_24CitationFull textDetails
  • Ma, Qin; Kinderen, Sybren De: Goal-based Decision Making - Using Goal-oriented Problem Structuring and Evaluation Visualization for Multi Criteria Decision Analysis. In: Daneva, Maya; Pastor, Oscar (Ed.): Proceedings: 22nd International Working Conference: Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2016). Springer, 2016 . CitationDetails
  • Bock, Alexander: The Concepts of Decision Making: An Analysis of Classical Approaches and Avenues for the Field of Enterprise Modeling. In: Ralyté, Jolita; España, Sergio; Pastor, Óscar (Ed.): The Practice of Enterprise Modeling. 8th IFIP WG 8.1. Working Conference, PoEM 2015, Valencia, Spain, November 10–12, 2015, Proceedings. Springer, 2015 , p. 306-321. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-25897-3_20CitationFull textDetails
  • Bock, Alexander: Beyond Narrow Decision Models: Toward Integrative Models of Organizational Decision Processes. In: Ieee (Ed.): Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI 2015). IEEE Computer Society, 2015 , p. 181-190. doi:10.1109/CBI.2015.34CitationFull textDetails
  • Plataniotis, Georgios; Kinderen, Sybren De; Ma, Qin; Proper, Henderik: Traceability and Modeling of Requirements in Enterprise Architecture from a Design Rationale Perspective. In: Rolland, Colette; Anagnostopoulos, Dimosthenis; Loucopoulos, Pericles; Gonzalez-Perez, Cesar (Ed.): 2015 IEEE 9th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS). 2015 , p. 518-519. CitationDetails
  • Plataniotis, Georgios; Kinderen, Sybren De; Ma, Qin; Proper, Henderik: EA anamnesis: An approach for decision making analysis in enterprise architecture. In: International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design (IJISMD) Vol 5 (2014) No 3 , p. 75-95. CitationFull textDetails
  • Hagen, Jochen: Organisation der strategischen IT-Steuerung und -Planung. Eine Methode zur Entscheidungsunterstützung auf der Grundlage einer explorativen empirischen Studie. Logos Verlag Berlin, 2014. CitationDetails
  • Bock, Alexander; Kattenstroth, Heiko; Overbeek, Sietse: Towards a modeling method for supporting the management of organizational decision processes. In: Fill, Hans-Georg; Karagiannis, Dimitris; Reimer, Ulrich (Ed.): Proceedings: Modellierung 2014. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Bonn, Wien, Österreich 2014 , p. 49-64. CitationFull textDetails
  • Bichler, Martin; Frank, Ulrich; Avison, David; Malaurent, Julien; Fettke, Peter; Hovorka, Dirk; Krämer, Jan; Schnurr, Daniel; Müller, Benjamin; Suhl, Leena; Thalheim, Bernhard: Theories in Business and Information Systems Engineering. In: Business & Information Systems Engineering (2016) , p. 1-29. doi:10.1007/s12599-016-0439-zCitationFull textDetails