Reference Business Processes and Strategies for E-Commerce (ECOMOD)

Research project

Research project


The project resulted in a method that supports the development and maintenance of high-performance and flexible infrastructures for electronic business. Both business management and software-engineering concepts have been taken into consideration. The design and introduction of infrastructures of this kind demands suitable abstractions and the complexity of the subject recommends a systematic approach as well as the consideration of various perspectives. The developed method (E-MEMO) therefore builds on the construction of powerful enterprise models.

For further information visit the ECOMOD Web Portal.


  • Frank, Ulrich; Lange, Carola: E-MEMO: A Method to support the Development of customized Electronic Commerce Systems. In: Information Systems and E-Business Management (ISeB) Vol 5 (2007) No 2 , p. 93-116. doi:10.1007/s10257-006-0034-9CitationDetails

    In many industries structural change through E-Commerce is challenging firms to re-align their strategies as well as re-engineer their business processes with new competitive environments while taking advantage
    of technological opportunities. This article presents E-MEMO, a method for multi-perspective enterprise modelling with special emphasis on processes and technologies for E-Commerce. It serves to analyse and design corporate information systems that are balanced with a company’s E-Commerce strategy and its organisation. E-MEMO offers specific languages for modelling strategies, business processes, and related resources. In addition to that, it provides a library of reference models including strategy networks to guide strategic planning and models of business processes. In order to further support the implementation of information systems a transformation has been defined that allows for generating workflow schemata from business process models. Since design-oriented research is not predominant in the Information Systems field, the epistemological challenges of the chosen research approach are discussed, too.

  • Jung, Jürgen; Kirchner, Lutz: A Framework for Modelling E-Business Resources. 2004. CitationFull textDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich: E-MEMO: Referenzmodelle zur ökonomischen Realisierung leistungsfähiger Infrastrukturen für Electronic Commerce. In: Wirtschaftsinformatik Vol 46 (2004) No 5 , p. 373-381. doi:10.1007/BF03250950CitationFull textDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich; Lange, Carola: Corporate Strategies for Electronic Commerce - Stepwise refinement and mapping to generic business process models. Koblenz 2004. CitationFull textDetails
  • Lange, Carola; Frank, Ulrich: Ein Bezugsrahmen zur Verfeinerung und Umsetzung von Unternehmensstrategien für Electronic Commerce. Koblenz 2004. CitationFull textDetails
  • Lange, Carola: Analyse und Entwicklung von Strategien für KMU im Electronic Commerce. 2003. CitationFull textDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich; Lange, Carola: A Framework to Support the Analysis of Strategic Options for Electronic Commerce. 2004. CitationFull textDetails
  • Frank, Ulrich; van Laak, Bodo: A Method for the Multi-Perspective Design of Versatile E-Business Systems. In: Ramsower, Regan; Windsor, John (Ed.): Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS 2002). 2002 . CitationFull textDetails